
Friday, November 21, 2003


sarah's not the only one who's getting great surprises! i've been really excited to go to skidazzle this weekend. i'm not sure that i was actually going to buy myself a snowboard, considering i've only gone once. but i knew that if i was gonna get it, the convention would provide great deals. and i wanted to look around. plus, i'm just generally getting excited for the snow, which i used to hate.

i was actually rather annoyed with my gl, cuz he said he was gonna come by last night, but it was getting so late already so i figured i'll just see him today. but he insisted on coming over just when i was about to go to sleep. and i couldn't imagine why, because he's usually the first to say, "hunee, i'm tired. i'll just see you tomorrow, okay?" in fact, i was waiting for him to call me so i could tell him to just go home. but he didn't call until he was already down my street, so i had to get my ass up out of bed.

i should've known something was up when he told me to turn on the porchlights. i didn't have my glasses on and i was totally squinting to see what he had. i didn't see anything, until he brought this out from behind him. and i was in shock! i think i was thinking, omg, what did you do?! and i was so confused as i tried to piece it all together. he had been so slick in asking me all this time about splitting the cost of my board with me (i was so hesitant, cuz i wasn't even sure i was gonna get a board), and asking my height one day, and asking my shoe size one day. he had this all thought out and planned out! he even took off from work early to go to the convention. i was sooo incredibly surprised! and then, he started griping about how madness the convention center was and that he'd never go back. i was disappointed cuz i really wanted to see what it was all about, not just for the purpose of purchasing something, but just to look around. so i was bummed to hear that we weren't gonna go anymore. but i started trying on the boots and playing with the bindings. omg, they feel soooo good! and the way they made it, it's so perfectly designed for the ease and comfort and the balance for snowboarding. i'm so excited to use it!

oh by the way, i got the white board with the red hibiscus flowers on it. his sister got the black one with the blue flowers. i thought the white one will look cool covered under the powdery snow, like last year, when people were boarding and it looked like they were just floating on the snow. heheeh, like legolas in that one scene when they were trudging through the snow and he was just floating above it.

thank you my gl! i love my early christmas/anniversary present!

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