
Thursday, September 08, 2005


i just re-read that last post and it's so bitin. (bitin= cut short, so as to leave the reader hanging) well, it took me all freakin day to write that post. it shows posted at 10am or so, but i actually pushed the button at like 4pm. and i think by that point, i just wanted to be done with the post. i was writing during work and it's just been so busy. for me anyway, because i really wanted to get everything done with so that i could take tomorrow off. it turns out i'm still coming in for random little things that need to get done.

oh, i wanted to explain pikon from a post a long time ago. here is the definition. and an example from my life: when i was 7 years old, my dad was here in the states, while my mom and brother and i were still in the philippines. he sent me a game of monopoly. we had no such game in the philippines and of course, i treasured it. i played almost every night with my yaya (nanny) and knew the game rules well. so we brought the game to a family party and i was trying to teach my uncles how to play, but they were just being silly and weren't really paying attention. well, there are kind of a lot of rules in monopoly; it's not the simplest of games, right? so they really didn't want to listen and just wanted to play. and i was getting quite frustrated and mad with them, getting sooo pikon and inis (irritated) with all of them for not playing the game right and i started crying to my mom, saying, "they're not playing right!!!" that is what pikon is, my friends. hahaha, i was so not fun, so can't just be silly, always gotta be by the rules. goodness... i hope some things have changed.

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