
Friday, March 21, 2008

happy good friday! 

it's good friday, a day of fasting (all meals today should not add up to one full meal) and abstinence (no meat).

i know i shouldn't complain, but geez, service last night for holy thursday was just really long. it was a multilingual mass, but instead of having different parts of the mass in the 3 languages, they chose to repeat the same things in the 3 languages. so it's like we heard mass 3 times, in english, spanish and vietnamese. but despite the length, it was definitely nice to go and have adoration after. they transferred the eucharist to their hall and they decorated their altar so nicely with candles and flowers. it was all very lovely. and it was peaceful praying in that environment again. nothing quite compares.

tonight, we're going to anunciation instead because the good friday service at nativity is in vietnamese.

so mina and a couple other people are gonna come over to watch the passion of christ tonight. i finally found a copy of it. my parents have the dvd, but i didn't end up going there during the week at all. so yesterday, i stopped at a best buy but they were sold out, so i tried blockbuster but they were all rented out too. but i called target today and they have it on hold for me. yayyyy. it'll be a good good friday meditation. like stations of the cross on dvd. mina was asking if i had tissue. she's getting ready for the cryfest. i wonder if i'll cry this time. cuz the first time i watched it with the bible study group, i didn't cry. along with aaron. and our other friends were like, "what's wrong with you? you're a robot!" i dunno. it's not that it didn't move me cuz it was a powerful film for sure. but it just didn't move me to tears at that time. maybe it's cuz i knew it was for a good purpose? and in the end He'd rise again anyway? i dunno... well, we'll see tonight.

oh and i probably won't be posting more this weekend, so Happy Easter!

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